In addition to Ellig Group’s board advisory offering, we have recently launched the Board-Readiness Coaching Program (BRCP). The program provides executives with a six-month strategic coaching program to ultimately position them for a suitable, rewarding board role. The objective of the Ellig Group BRCP is the development of an actionable plan and tools to accelerate an executive’s path to corporate board affiliation. Ellig Group will provide highly capable and experienced resources including International Coaching Federation certified coaches, personal brand specialists, writing and research support, and access to its extensive network of executives and directors.
Ellig Group Board-Readiness Coaching Program Overview
Ellig Group has established itself as a leader in placing high-performing, off-the-radar candidates on boards of directors, as well as C-Suite positions. We are a firm of choice for boards in a variety of industries, particularly when it comes time to expanding the diversity of the board or its executive leadership team. The experience, reputation, unsurpassed track record and network of our team make us uniquely qualified to help high-potential executives seek out and secure corporate board seats and for boards to seek (and trust) our candidate recommendations.
Ellig Group BRCP engagements are highly customized. Each client will participate in the following activities over a six-month period:
- Strategic board value proposition and detailed action plan
- Participate in one-on-one, deep dive coaching session based on professional assessment report (such as the Hogan Assessment, CliftonStrengths, or Leadership Circle Profile) to refine career and board goals and objectives
- Develop a strategy and detailed action plan for board pursuits, including a framework for assessing unsolicited opportunities
- Create and refine board biographies and resume
- Implement a networking plan to include facilitated introductions to Ellig Group contacts
- Assessment of the current online presence and creation of a plan to enhance profile leveraging our strategic partnership with CoolBrands People
- Perform gap analysis regarding board and committee skills and identify improvement steps to round out corporate governance knowledge
- Identify target companies that best align with the client’s unique skills, attributes, and experiences
- Map existing and potential relationships to position the client with the target companies using their personal network and Ellig Group’s proprietary database/alliance partners
- Attend customized training programs provided by Ellig Group staff
- Participate in “practice” interviews and receive feedback from experienced placement professionals and directors
- Ongoing coaching sessions and quarterly touchpoints
Ellig Group BRCP Deliverables:
- Strategic board value proposition and detailed action plan
- Framework for assessing board roles
- Refreshed board biography and resume
- Enhanced online presence and Signitt publications dashboard through CoolBrands People
- Personal brand statement and profile
- Board learning and certification plan
- Customized interview feedback report
- Target company list and outreach plan
- Professional networking strategic plan including relationship mapping and assistance from Ellig Group for introductions
- Searchable profile in the Equilar Diversity Network database